Interior Obsessions - Minimal Kitchen


As function of my job designing custom homes, I am often caught in a flake of a quandary. Visually, I prefer the look of a very simple kitchen infinite, frequently with simple base of operations cabinets and appliances, with possibly a single full-acme cabinet and some open shelving. But clients typically want to max out the amount of cabinet infinite bachelor with full upper cabinets, something packed into every nook and cranny. Typically, we end upwards somewhere between the two. But the images of these gorgeous simple kitchens continue to inspire me, and I hope you'll feel the same.

If you dear that elementary look, but really need the extra storage infinite, 1 keen style to become the all-time of both worlds is to devote one section to full-elevation cabinetry. Because of its repetition and flat profile, a total line of cabinets reads more than like a flat wall, especially depending on the style of cabinet you choose. If you lot want to make those cabinets really disappear, try a full overlay chiffonier, and even consider using a touch-latch door system to rid yourself of all those handles. Or add a unproblematic pull handle routed into the edge of the door and so that all you come across is a thin line. Try to lengthen the area of counter space to aid create this simple look in the areas where you focus on the lower cabinets. Basic shelving above keeps an open look while allowing for a bit of extra space to put those glasses and plates.

(above) Low-cal and Airy


Wood and Black Base + Elegant Open Shelving


Teal Undercounter


Modernistic with Old + Blackness and White


White with Stainless

Amy wrote this post. She is the designer and possessor of FormFire Glassworks, where she creates modern lampwork glass chaplet and jewelry, and by day designs custom homes for a modest firm in Southern California. You lot can follow her twitter @formfireglass.

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